How to Reduce Noise Levels in Your Apartment

Carpeting and Rugs

The more items you have in your apartment that can absorb and soak up sound, the better. Carpets do a surprisingly good job of absorbing sound in the home (instead of reflecting sound, like hardwood floors). But what if your apartment isn’t carpeted? Simple – use rugs. The more throw rugs and area rugs you have around your apartment, and the larger and heavier they are, the more noise they will absorb.

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Maximize Space in a Small Apartment

Often the most challenging issue with living in a small apartment is not the size of the apartment itself, but the overabundance of belongings packed into it. Many apartment dwellers find themselves dealing with overcrowded apartment homes because of the economical advantages, sacrificing functionality for an affordable living arrangement. However, by exploring some resourceful storage solutions, inhabitants of apartment homes can enjoy both functionality and affordability. Streamlining the organization of a small apartment serves a practical purpose as well as an aesthetic one, opening up the space and making it appear larger. With some creative thinking, anyone can improve the storage situation in his or her apartment and enjoy an efficient and orderly living space.

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Pet-Friendly Apartment Living

Check the Rules First

Before you move into your apartment with your pet, always check with your landlord and your city department first to see if there are any rules and regulations you have to follow. Some cities and municipalities have specific by-laws that may require you to leash your pet at all times or limit the number of animals you can have in one residence.

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Design Tips To Create Space in a Crowded Home

Trying to accommodate children, personal relics and long-time furniture in your apartment can be a paramount challenge.

Here are some tips to create space in a busy apartment.

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Freedom of Apartment Living

You have probably heard about the booming housing market the past few years. Now more than ever it is easier to own a home. This is great, however it isn’t for everybody. The average single professional is not ready to sign up for 30 years of mortgage payments.

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12 Essential Items for Your First Apartment

An Apartment Checklist of What to Buy First

Getting your first apartment is exhilarating. That empty space is full of promise and prospects for shopping. Let your imagination wander. Depending on your shopping personality, it is easy either to get carried away and blow your money on nonessential (but gratifying) items; or to tremble at the thought of spending your hard-earned income on expensive furniture.

Below is a list of 12 essential purchases for turning your first apartment into a comfortable, functional home. My suggestion is to purchase at least the first five items before you move in.

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Tips Berinvestasi di Apartemen

Pembangunan apartemen di DKI Jakarta dan sekitarnya yang demikian pesat belakangan ini memberi tambahan pasokan ruang apartemen yang amat besar. Diperkirakan sejak tahun 2000 sampai dengan tahun 2006 akan tersedia tambahan sekitar 25.000 unit baru, dari harga jual Rp 200 jutaan per unit sampai yang harganya miliaran rupiah per unit untuk ukuran yang sama. Penjualan apartemen lumayan baik, seiring menurunnya tingkat bunga deposito yang sudah mendekati angka 6 persen per tahun.

Di sisi lain, persediaan unit apartemen yang dibangun sejak tahun lalu, yang berjumlah puluhan ribu, masih banyak yang kosong alias belum berpenghuni meskipun telah terjual. Begitu juga yang masih belum terjual, jumlahnya masih dalam ribuan di Jakarta ini.

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Tinggal di Apartemen

Berbeda dengan rumah biasa, tinggal di apartemen dianggap lebih praktis dan mencerminkan gaya hidup masyarakat zaman sekarang. Kemacetan lalu lintas yang menggila di kota besar seperti Jakarta adalah salah satu faktor mengapa sebagian kalangan lebih memilih tinggal di apartemen. Betapa nyamannya apabila kantor dan rumah terletak dalam satu wilayah. Bebas macet dan dapat menghemat waktu, biaya, energi, sekaligus BBM. Asyiknya lagi berbagai fasilitas lengkap tersedia dalam apartemen seperti pusat kebugaran, pasar swalayan, tempat bermain anak, kolam renang hingga lapangan tennis.

Kebutuhan akan tempat tinggal yang nyaman dengan privasi yang tinggi inilah yang menjadi faktor pemicu tumbuhnya apartemen. Akan tetapi, kesadaran untuk menghormati dan toleransi yang tinggi juga sangat dibutuhkan dalam kehidupan di apartemen.
Kenyamanan seperti itulah yang tampaknya dikejar oleh masyarakat kota sekarang ini. Ruang gerak yang terbatas, praktis dan dinamis mencerminkan gaya hidup di apartemen. Nah, sudah siapkah anda?

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